Donate to Restore Voting Rights in Florida
The courts just ruled that over 700,000 people with felony convictions in the state of Florida would – once again – have their right to vote taken away unless they can pay off their fees and fines. While the courts have turned their backs on returning citizens, we don’t have to.
We have raised
to pay fines and fees for returning citizens
- Progress to Goal 100%
This includes small donors, foundation grants, corporate gifts and major individual contributions. However, with thousands of individual donations from every state and territory in the country, this is a grassroots movement.
Individual Donors
Smallest Donation
Average Grassroots Donation
You Have the Power – Be a Part of History
We did it! With your help, we’ve surged past our initial goal of raising $25M to pay the fines and fees of returning citizens in Florida, and remove the barriers to voting for thousands of people in advance of the October 5th voter registration deadline.
But this is just the beginning! This is a long-term commitment – beyond the 2020 Election – and we’re going to continue raising money to pay the fines and fees for as many returning citizens in the State of Florida as possible, clearing the way for them to participate in our Democracy, and fully participate in their communities.
This fundraising number listed above includes contributions from small-dollar donors, local and national foundations, corporate gifts and major individual contributions.
With tens of thousands of individual donations from every county in Florida, and every state and territory in the country — this is an All-American grassroots movement!
100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to those who have completed incarceration and probation but still have to complete the financial portions of their sentence.

Need Assistance with Fines and Fees?
If you or a loved one have fines and fees on a past felony conviction, or are unsure if there is still an unpaid financial component to your sentence, Florida Rights Restoration Coalition may be able to help with any outstanding financial obligations from that conviction that are barriers to voting!

No Fines and Fees? Register to Vote!
If you have no fines and fees on a felony conviction in Florida, do not owe restitution, and are off probation, or if you don’t have a felony conviction (arrests, misdemeanors, traffic tickets, etc. do not prevent you from voting), you can register to vote right now!
About FRRC
Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC) is a grassroots membership organization, led by returning citizens (formerly convicted persons) who are dedicated to ending the disenfranchisement and discrimination against people with convictions, and creating a more comprehensive and humane reentry system that will enhance successful reentry, reduce recidivism, and increase public safety.
FRRC built the movement to pass Amendment 4, and is leading the effort to get returning citizens and family members who are impacted by the criminal justice system registered to vote and engaged in our communities.
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